THE APPLE. AN INTRODUCTION. (Over and over and over again)

Antje Majewski and Paweł Freisler with Agnieszka Polska, Jimmie Durham and Piotr Życieński.
This exhibition on the theme of apples, initiated by the artists Antje Majewski and Paweł Freisler, is both an artistic and scientific-cultural-historical project, which experiences an extension into the urban space with a planting action involving urban groups.

On display at Kunsthalle Lingen are paintings of old and new apple varieties in the tradition of Natura Morte, an Eve with an Apple, and video works by Antje Majewski; dried and carved apples by Paweł Freisler that appear both as objects, in the form of photographs by Piotr Życieński, and as images in sculpture using a 3D printer; Agnieszka Polska’s video work „Garden,“ which takes us into the legendary artist’s garden, where, among other things, a perfect egg can be found; and Jimmie Durham’s apple juice bottles, which he produced for dOCUMENTA (13), where two apple trees were also planted.

Since an apple variety can only remain a variety if it is grafted by humans onto a new rootstock, i.e. cloned, preserving the incredible variety of colors, shapes and tastes of possible apple varieties is a cultural achievement.

Therefore, a very important part of the exhibition will not take place in the museum itself, but as an artistic-ecological project in the urban space. In March 2018, up to 50 trees of old apple varieties will be planted in public places in the city of Lingen. Their apples will be available to all citizens of Lingen.