In cooperation with Centralkino Lingen (Marienstraße 8, 49808 Lingen (Ems)) the following films will be presented:

Tuesday, 02 November 2021 at 8 p.m.

Selected short films by the Turkish artist and fashion filmmaker Taner Tümkaya

Thursday, 11 November 2021 at 8 pm

Martin Margiela, Myth of Fashion, De Fr Be 2019, 91 min., Director: Rainer Holzemer

Friday, 12 November 2021 at 8 pm

Martha Rosler reads Vogue, 1982, video film by Martha Rosler, 25 min 45 sec.

This will be followed by another film on the theme of „fashion“, the exact title will be announced in good time.

Monday, 15 November 2021 at 8 pm

DRIES, De Be 2017, 130 min., Director: Rainer Holzemer

Cinema ticket 7 Euro

Friday, 26 November 2021 at 9 pm

Fashion show for the finissage of the exhibition „Mon coeur mis à nu“.

This fashion show will present the results from the workshops that took place each weekend during the exhibition.

Free admission!